To Move On Use The Affirmation – Forgiveness Is a Gift I Give To Myself


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Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself

While I may have been wronged in the past, I choose to forgive others. Forgiveness is a gift I give myself. By forgiving others, I become free of the past. I am then free to live entirely in the present.

Forgiveness sometimes seems like a gift I am giving to others, but it is really something I do for myself. Holding onto the past creates challenges in the present and future, so I choose to let go of the past and move forward without baggage.

I am grateful for the challenges of my past. These challenges teach valuable lessons that I can use in the present.

By forgiving others, I allow myself to fully engage in the wonderful aspects of my life. I choose to focus on the good parts of my life and to release the past. The past only has the power I choose to give it. I choose to be free of the past.

When I feel that I have been treated poorly, I search for the valuable lesson in that situation. Then I forgive and forget. I am mistreating myself when I hold onto a grudge.

Forgiveness is a way of showing strength and compassion to others and myself.

Today, I give myself a gift by forgiving others for their transgressions against me. I feel light and free as a bird when I practice forgiveness.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Whom do I need to forgive?
  2. What would I gain by forgiving that person?
  3. Can I let go of my negative feelings about that person?
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