I let go of pain and anger
There are times in my life when I feel painful and angry feelings. How I decide to act on these feelings can affect the lives of those around me. I understand that expressing anger in certain ways can cause those around me pain.
By forgiving those around me, I release the need for retribution or revenge. In this same way, I refrain from keeping track of who is right or wrong.
I find that expressing my anger in a hostile manner delays a positive resolution to my challenges and often brings me the opposite of what I want. So I put anger in my past and joyfully move forward without it.
Instead of spending my time replaying painful events in my thoughts, I choose to focus on the present moment. I can spend my time now enjoying new experiences.
When it is particularly difficult to release my pain, I accept these moments and forgive myself as I continue to work, over time, to let go of the negativity.
I love myself through all moments of my existence, including these difficult times. Accepting my love even helps me to let go of difficult pain and anger.
Today, I choose to release my need for retribution upon those that have caused me pain. I see that it is best to let go of my pain and anger like a balloon into a gentle breeze.

Self-Reflection Questions:
- When was a time that I felt angry or in pain?
- What would have happened if I released that feeling?
- What beliefs are preventing me from letting go of pain and anger?