I am free to create my own reality
I am in control of my destiny. I am responsible for my life. I avoid blaming others for challenges. I avoid blaming circumstances for the direction my life has taken. I choose the path for my life with my choices.
I believe that my life is what I make it.
My version of reality exists within me. While others may have a view of life with fear and limits, my reality is different. My reality consists of limitless opportunities. I am in awe of the possibilities that exist for my life. I make a conscious effort to hold a perspective that provides me with as many options as possible.
I create a positive reality by freeing my mind of hate, fear, and jealousy. I make room in my mind for positive thoughts and emotions. Holding negative energy ensures that my reality is unpleasant. I release negative energy and focus on the positive.
I accept the changes that naturally occur in life. Resistance is a waste of time and energy. I allow reality to be reality. What I can change are the perceptions and beliefs I hold in my mind. The external world is largely outside my control. This is fine, because my beliefs and focus determine my reality.
Today, I am making my strongest effort to create a reality that serves my life. I have the hope and ambition necessary to make positive changes in my life. I am free to create my own reality.

Self-Reflection Questions:
- How do I get in my own way?
- Which of my beliefs make it more challenging for me to be happy and successful?
- What is my vision for the future?