When Facing Anxiety About First Day Of School & Use The Affirmation – I Am Certain My Children Are Safe At School


Affirmations are a small part of our coaching. For transformative results coach with us and mix them with a combination of Power Words, action projects, metrics, coaching & journaling.

I am certain my children are safe at school

I have a sense of certainty about the safety of my children. Peace fills my mind while my kids are away from me at school. I am free from anxiety about the safety of my children while they receive their education.

The school where I have chosen to send my kids is a safe place. There are people whose sole job is to look after the well-being of my children while they are there. School staff cares about the security of all students, including my kids.

In the event of an emergency, there are proper procedures in place to keep my children out of harm’s way. The school has all of the phone numbers they need to find me in the event of an emergency.

I practice safety procedures with my children. My kids know what to do in a variety of emergency scenarios. My children’s teachers also practice school-wide emergency procedures with their classes.

I am free from anxiety regarding my children’s safety. I reject irrational fears about the safety of my kids while they are at school.

I can focus at work because I believe my kids’ lives are protected. I approach my days full of energy and ambition, trusting that my children are doing the same thing at their school.

Today, I believe that my children are safe at school. I think positive thoughts to keep my mind calm while we are apart.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Does my children’s school have an emergency plan?
  2. Does my kids’ school have my contact information?
  3. What positive thoughts can I reflect on while my children are away?
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