To Really See Yourself Use The Affirmation – I Discover More About Myself Each Day


Affirmations are a small part of our coaching. For transformative results coach with us and mix them with a combination of Power Words, action projects, metrics, coaching & journaling.

I discover more about myself each day

Like everyone else, I am a complex and multi-faceted individual. I currently enjoy many talents and gifts, but I have many more that lie untapped. I look forward to discovering all that I have to offer the world and myself.

I frequently surprise myself with my vast capabilities. This phenomenon keeps me enthusiastic. Yet, I remain humble. As I realize my own gifts, I recognize the numerous gifts that everyone else has to offer. I am more open to discovering new talents in myself if I remain humble and open-minded.

I know I have many perspectives and preferences of which I am unaware. I find myself interesting. I want to know more.

I am able to laugh at myself as I discover my quirks. These silly characteristics make me unique and lovable. I smile at myself every day.

I try new things and introduce myself to new people on a regular basis. New activities and people create opportunities to discover more about myself.

I like to reflect on how much I have grown over the years. I am encouraged to continue growing and evolving. It excites me to consider what I might experience. I wonder how powerful I can become.

Today, I look forward to discovering more about myself. I want to experience something new today and use that to unlock a new talent. I am committed to learning more about who I am.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach. If you are not on a coaching package and want to access a coach through your very own 24/7 private, discreet coaching feed plus get coaching, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and much more, starting from just £19 a week, then check out our free trial here.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What do you know about yourself today that you did not 5 years ago?
  2. What new activity would you most like to experience?
  3. Do you need to add some new people to your life to fully grow into the person you could become?
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