To Increase Your Knowledge Use The Affirmation – I Am A Life Long Learner


Affirmations are a small part of our coaching. For transformative results coach with us and mix them with a combination of Power Words, action projects, metrics, coaching & journaling.

I am a life-long learner

Each moment is an opportunity for learning. This never ceases. From the moment of my birth to the moment of my death, I have chances to grow, choose, and shape myself anew.

In more specific terms, I choose to stay mentally and physically active. This way, I am always growing. Because I love to learn, I welcome activity into my life. Whether I am solving the newspaper crossword or walking home by a different route, I am perpetually encouraging my brain and body to stay alert and alive.

If I feel like life is asking too much of me, I try to reframe the challenge I am facing.

If I see something as an obstacle or a worry, I consciously choose a different path for my thoughts. Instead of perceiving a situation negatively, I remember that even the most trying circumstances bring with them chances for me to learn.

There are always new challenges and tasks in different parts of my life, and I approach each of them as an opportunity. As I do this, I am filled with the joy of being who I am. I have a unique answer to every question that is put to me. Finding those answers is a process of learning. And I love to learn.

Today, I am pleased with every chance I get to acquire new knowledge. I know that challenges and joys both bring opportunities for learning. And I commit to learning something new each day.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach. If you are not on a coaching package and want to access a coach through your very own 24/7 private, discreet coaching feed plus get coaching, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and much more, starting from just £19 a week, then check out our free trial here.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What do I most enjoy learning about?
  2. What challenges in my life right now could I reframe as opportunities to grow?
  3. What can I do today to make progress toward acquiring new knowledge or skills?
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