I have the power to change my thoughts
My thoughts are under my direct control. When my thoughts are displeasing to me, I take control of the situation and redirect them. I strive to maintain thoughts that are both helpful and pleasing to me. I can choose thoughts that serve me.
Everyone has the power to change their thoughts. I am developing this skill and getting better at it each day.
When I control my thoughts, I control my mood and my actions. The thoughts I permit to exist ultimately determine my results. I consciously choose what I want think about. My ability to do this is growing by leaps and bounds.
When my thoughts are distracting, disruptive, or ineffective, I take control of the situation. I consider which thoughts would be most beneficial and change the direction of my thinking.
Once I choose a new thought, I can maintain it with minimal difficulty. My mind is strong and capable.
My thoughts can alter my circumstances. I can alter my life and my experience in the world by changing my thoughts. Thoughts lead to actions. Actions lead to results.
Today, I actively manage my thoughts. I only entertain thoughts that propel me forward in life. I block negative thoughts from remaining in my mind. I control my thoughts and my focus. I have the power to change my thoughts in an instant.
Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach. If you are not on a coaching package and want to access a coach through your very own 24/7 private, discreet coaching feed plus get coaching, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and much more, starting from just £19 a week, then check out our free trial here.

Self-Reflection Questions:
- When am I most likely to have negative thoughts? What have these thoughts cost me?
- What are some positive thoughts I could have more frequently than I do now? How can I encourage these thoughts?
- How can I strengthen my ability to control my thoughts?