To Be More Authentic Use The Affirmation – I Embrace My Identity


Affirmations are a small part of our coaching. For transformative results coach with us and mix them with a combination of Power Words, action projects, metrics, coaching & journaling.

I embrace my identity

I accept that the person I am is the person I am meant to be. My circumstances, physical appearance and personality are all part of the divine plan of my Creator. I love the person I am.

When I am faced with negative circumstances, I steadfastly avoid feeling discouraged. Instead, I use the positive virtues I am blessed with to deal with the situation and come out victorious.

I realize that there may sometimes be others around me who dislike me, for whatever reason. Even so, I am satisfied with knowing that I am the best me I can be.

My body and facial features may be different than what society deems flawless, but I am exactly how I should be, so I embrace my physical appearance as well.

I live according to my own decisions, based on my own circumstances, rather than what others expect of me. I recognize that it is impossible to always live up to the expectations of others and be at peace at the same time.

Today, I commit to loving myself just the way I am. Even when others want me to fit into a certain mold, I remain unmoved. I feel certain that I am the way I should be.

Journal on these questions below and share your answers with your coach. If you are not on a coaching package and want to access a coach through your very own 24/7 private, discreet coaching feed plus get coaching, action points, worksheets, metrics, power words, and much more, starting from just £19 a week, then check out our free trial here.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. Do I sometimes prefer what I see in others to what I see in myself?
  2. What strategies do I use to allow me to be true to myself?
  3. Do I accept my children the way they are?
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