I have a positive relationship with my in-laws.
My in-laws and I enjoy a strong connection built on trust and respect. I make an effort to maintain a positive relationship between us so the family can live in harmony. I accept my in-laws just the way they are.
When speaking to my in-laws, I talk positively about my spouse. Seeing how much I adore their child makes them feel good about me. I refuse to bring up private marital concerns to my in-laws.
My in-laws love to see their grandchildren; therefore, I bring my children over to visit my in-laws on a regular basis. By being considerate of my in-laws’ wishes, I foster a positive relationship within the whole family.
I make it a point to spend quality time with my in-laws independent of my spouse. A regular phone call, an email, or a note keeps us feeling close.
When I visit my in-laws, I volunteer to help with things that need to get done. I assist with chores and errands because, when I serve them, I communicate love to them in a practical way.
Family functions are a priority for me. I attend as many events put together by my spouse’s family as I can. I truly enjoy the time I spend with my spouse’s family. My in-laws value my visible presence in their lives.
Today, I choose to honor my in-laws by my actions and words. I take the first step in fostering a positive relationship between us by reaching out to them with love.

Self-Reflection Questions:
- Is my relationship with my in-laws as close as it could be?
- How can I spend more time with my in-laws?
- Why is it important to refrain from speaking negatively about my spouse to my in-laws?