Embrace Greatness, Use The Affirmation – I Avoid Self Pity


Affirmations are a small part of our coaching. For transformative results coach with us and mix them with a combination of Power Words, action projects, metrics, coaching & journaling.

I avoid self-pity

I accept my life. When things go wrong, I stay strong. I avoid dissolving into a puddle of tears or feeling sorry for myself. I avoid anxiety and additional stress.

I understand that I am responsible for my actions.

When I make a mistake, I accept the responsibility and the consequences. I do what I can to correct the situation or make amends, learn what I can from the error, and then move on without worrying about it.

I am in control of my emotions. I reject the idea that I am a victim. I avoid negative thoughts and feelings and focus on the positive aspects of any situation.

When I encounter a challenge, I remind myself that such obstacles are a normal part of life, and get busy seeking a solution. I know that I am a strong individual who is capable of overcoming obstacles.

I accept my circumstances – whatever they may be.

I avoid wallowing in self-pity if things go awry. Feeling sorry for myself is a downward spiral, and makes everything seem worse than it really is.

Likewise, I avoid seeking company for my misery. Instead of having a pity party, I take action to get past hard times on my own and move forward toward a brighter future.

Today, I avoid self-pity by focusing on the positive things in my life. I say thank you for everything the universe provides me. In return, I then receive even more great things to be thankful for.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I avoid self-pity when I am sick?
  2. Is it possible to avoid self-pity when I feel stuck or challenged?
  3. What can I teach my children about self-pity?
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