Attempting to boost your self-esteem during normal times is hard enough, but what happens when you’re dealing with a difficult period in your life?
Stressful issues like job loss, broken relationships, or sickness can lower our self-esteem. We tend to take the blame and feel that, if we were “better,” these things wouldn’t have happened in the first place. When thinking rationally, we may realize that this is untrue, but it’s harder during times of struggle to feel good about ourselves!
Here are some simple strategies you can use to give your self-esteem a boost during trying times:
- Focus on the positive. Yes, negative things can happen in your life, but this must not be your only focus. As I’m sure you’ve heard before: “Things could be worse.” Try to turn your attention onto what you have that is good. Whether it’s wonderful children, a terrific spouse, or a roof over your head, focus on what is positive and special in your life. Not only will this make you feel better about your current situation, but you’ll also realise that these good things would not have been possible without you. It’s time to understand that you are a positive influence in the lives of many. Realistically, everyone has to deal with difficult times as a part of growing and maturing. Try to remember that “this too shall pass” and keep your chin up.
- Take time for you. With all that’s happening in your life right now, you’re under a lot of stress. This obviously isn’t helping your feelings of low self-esteem. More than likely, you’re not taking any time out for the most important person in your life: you. Allow some time to relax and regroup. It will do wonders for your mindset! Make the time to do something that you thoroughly enjoy doing. It can be alone or with family or a trusted friend – whatever relaxes you the most. Read a book, take a bubble bath, make some cookies, or dance around the house to your favorite music. Anything that can relieve some of that stress you’re feeling will make a big difference.
- Believe that things will get better. The power of the mind is amazing. If you’re in a situation that you truly believe is hopeless, your chances of changing that situation worsen greatly. If you believe things can and will get better, your chances of improving the situation are greatest.
Knowing that things will improve will also help you feel more confident about yourself. You’ll feel more positive heading into the right direction, and your self-esteem will increase.
Life sometimes presents us with difficult situations that we’re not prepared to deal with. During these times, consciously redirect your feelings away from the negative and towards the positive. Your self-esteem will be strengthened, along with your belief of a better outcome.
When you can see a light at the end of the tunnel, things don’t seem as dark. Use these tips to find your light and feel better.