Sloan Secret: 1 to 1 Coaching

Sloan’s coaching takes you from where you are now forward on your journey to where you want to be. This is the perfect way to start with a new coach or if you are new to coaching. It is high impact and you see guaranteed change. If you already know you want coaching click the button below, alternatively read on to find out more about Sloan’s signature program.

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Areas Suitable For The Sloan SECRET

This program can be applied to all areas of life. A few examples are:

Emotions: Anxiety, Sadness, Burnout, Grief, Low Self-Esteem, Disappointment, Fear, Overwhelm.

Work: Changing Career, Getting That Promotion, Creating A Start-Up, Writing Your First Book, Starting A Blog, Networking Boost, Negotiating Skills, Quitting Your Job To Travel, Motherhood and Returning To Work.

Health: Losing Weight, Gaining Energy, Increasing Confidence, Dealing with Anxiety, Coping with Stress, Reducing Anger, Boosting Self Esteem, Detox Negative Emotions and Peak Performance

Finances: Doubling Your Clients, Attracting More Customers, Growing a Social Media Presence, Branding Yourself, Growing A Media Presence, How To Get Published in The Press and Becoming Financially Abundant.

Relationships: The Singles Scene, Finding True Love, Rescuing Your Relationship From A Rut, Leaving a Toxic Partner, Getting Your Ex Back, Coping With Step Families, Understanding In-Laws, Dealing With Infertility and  First Baby Blues.

How Does It Work?

The program can be taken via e-mail, phone or face-to-face. You choose one dream goal to focus on and follow the 6 step program in relationship to that goal. It is bespoke to your goal. Coaching is not a one size fits all and therefore each session is tailored to your goal centering around the 6 stages of The Sloan SECRET. Once you have completed the Sloan SECRET, there are other packages available to you should you wish to continue with coaching. These will be offered to you on completion of the final stage although the Sloan SECRET is a stand alone program and does not require further coaching. The stages can also be taken in any order.

The 6 Stages

  1. Simplify The Issue, Let Go Of What Holds You Back
  2. Empower Yourself To A Level Necessary For Success
  3. Create A Community That Draws You Towards Your Goal
  4. Re-Brand That Which Doesn’t Work, Leave Any Limiting Beliefs Behind
  5. Energise and  Set A New Bar
  6. Time Waits For No One – Learn How To Make Fast Decisions So You Never Miss An Opportunity Again
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15 achievements as listed by real clients during the 6 step program

  • I feel I live my life to its full potential
  • Once I clarified my dream goals and created an action plan the rest was easy
  • It was hard to address that which was holding me back from my dream but I am glad I did
  • Learning this new skill has been key to driving me towards running my own businesses
  • I generated a positive outcome to my perceived obstacle and adopted a baby boy – I am now a proud mother.
  • I identified the areas in need of updating in my life, I’m now single 45 and happy.
  • I was directed to challenge unhelpful beliefs and now I love my body.
  • Since working on boosting my self-confidence, I now argue successfully in court with no fear.
  • I used to fear negotiations now I successfully negotiate any challenge finding opportunity instead of fear.
  • I have a new lease for life now I’ve learned techniques for optimum health, energy and clarity.
  • I benefited from brainstorming solutions to solve my toxic connections both at work and with my ex-husband.
  • I now enjoy living outside my comfort zone and live at a much higher level of achievement.
  • I went from making small transitions in my life to accomplishing life-changing transformations
  • My performance at work has improved and I can now work at my peak
  • I have establish solutions to the way I perceive fear and now I feel nothing holds me back.

What do you wish to achieve… that too in only 6 weeks. Life is a game… Do you know the rules? Sloan Sheridan-Williams does and she is here to teach you how to achieve your dreams with your first dream achievement just 6 weeks away.

Why Choose The Sloan SECRET

Sloan Sheridan-Williams is a uniquely talented London life coach and respected relationship expert with over 15 years of experience achieving extraordinary outcomes for her clients. Sloan sees clients who are committed to taking their life to the next level and is known for producing long-lasting results using her 6-session tailored Sloan S.E.C.R.E.T method.

You have to ask the right questions to get the right results. Sometimes those questions are tough. But, do you know the key components to a contented life. Sloan can help you reach your full potential. It’s time to stop being a spectator in your own life. If you are looking for more out of life Sloan can deliver that in less time than others.

If you are ready to make your dreams into reality. If you are ready to put yourself in the race to achieve your dreams. Fill out the form below.

Don’t worry if you lack faith in your ability to achieve your dreams, Sloan’s faith is big enough for the both of you. She doesn’t accept average and neither should you. Whatever you want out of life it can be yours, with focus, passion and direction. Resources do not hold people back it is a lack of resourcefulness that does. Sloan will take your resourcefulness to new heights. Are you ready?

If you want to know more, then fill out the short form and we will contact you back. Alternatively, chat to us via WhatsApp located in the bottom right-hand corner of this web page or if you are in a rush then just text “SECRET” and we will get back to you.


Chat to us today, just click the WhatsApp logo to speak to one of our coaches today. Mental Wealth Unlocked© Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
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